Improving Threat Detection & Response Before, During & After A Cyberattack
How continuous monitoring and analysis enhances a layered security approach
About This Whitepaper
Experts have long recommended a layered approach to cybersecurity that combines multiple security measures to detect and block threats.
This whitepaper explores how your IT team can leverage continuous monitoring tools to determine the nature and threat level of attacks.
You'll also gain insights into how to protect your network from cyberattacks and the different types of threats that can affect your business.
What You'll Learn
- What continuous security monitoring is and how you can utilize it
- Data points and statistics from Verizon's 2018 Data Breach Investigations Report
- Tools that are essential to effective cybersecurity
About GDS
With more than 30 years of experience, GDS has the proven ability to develop solutions that precisely meet your business objectives. We are committed to excellence in service delivery, from solution design and implementation through simplified billing.
GDS can help you protect your business from online threats & cyberattacks - Call 888-435-7986 or Contact us Now >

Download : Continuous Security Monitoring

Written by Connectivity & Industry Experts
- Our writing team has over 10 years in the industry
- This whitepaper offers deep insights based on our experience in the industry
- Our whitepaper resources seek to educate our clients on topics that affect their business